Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Walker!!!

So, I'm really bad at keeping our blog up to date (last post was Thanksgiving time???) but this one is worth a quick post. We've had this walker for almost 3 months (Thanks Aunt Sarah and Uncle Brian) and for the most part, Jacob just love to stand, play the music and shake his booty. But this morning, he actually stood up and cruised around using his walker!!! YAY! Big milestone and exactly one week before his first birthday!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Baby

Over the Thanksgiving week, we had our family photos shot for our holiday card and our very talented photographer, Jenny Lee ( came back for her third visit at Jacob's 7 month birthday.

She's amazing and fabulous, and feel so lucky to have her capture these wonderful moments of our family.

Check out our slideshow:

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Well, this year I have a lot to be thankful for. Everyone is in good health - my parents are in their late 60s and continue to have a busier social life than me - and married life continues on the up and up, particularly after having our first baby. Jacob is a well adapted little man, he's laughing - at us and with us - and has sprouted two teeth and has just started learning the beginning steps of crawling and rocks on his hands and knees. He still prefers to roll from back to tummy to get where he wants to go but we'll take it because man! It's too darn cute!

Jacob just celebrated his 8 month birthday, weighing in at 18 1/2 pounds and is 29 inches tall. He loves to eat! Bananas, sweet potatoes, apples, pears...really, anything that is sweet! He's eating three meals a day and I swear, the other day, he said momma! Take that Roger!

While we had planned to go to my parents' house in Napa for Thanksgiving, Jacob came down with a virus and croup and I got so sick I couldn't talk. Needless to say, it was a quiet Thanksgiving with just the three of us. I made a turkey - first ever for me! - pecan and apple pies, green beans and warmed up ham and stuffing. Topped off with bubbly and a 12 year old cab...we were in heaven! Jacob tried turkey for the first time and gobbled it up (pun intended).

Here are some pics of our Thanksgiving meal and our very own little turkey.


Melts my heart every time! Even if he's all gums!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Onto the Other Side of a Year


It's hard to believe but we've moved past counting Jacob's age in weeks and now, not only are we onto months, we are over the hill so to speak...we are officially closer to the year mark. It's been a busy past couple of months and we've been on our first road trip, had visitors from Ohio and I started working.

In August, we took our first vacation as a family and as the crazy parents we are, we drove. Granted, it wasn't a long road trip but we did drive to San Diego with a short overnight stop in Valencia, CA to go to Magic Mountain. We didn't ride any roller coasters and it was WAAAY too hot for us so we ended up crashing in the hotel and Roger and our friends went crazy in the heat. We then drove to San Diego and there we met up with my best friend Jen and her daughter Rachel. It was the first time the little ones met and neither one really could really care about the other and not because they wouldn't like each other but Jacob was tired and Rachel just wanted to play with everything of Jacob's...from diapers to his toys, Rachel gave them a full oral inspection.

On our way back we met up with cousin Debi and her family - it was fun to spend a few hours with them before we made the dark and boring drive home.

In September, Roger's parents and grandparents came for a visit. We were so excited about their visit and it was the first time we had four generations in one place - Roger's grandfather, Roger's dad, Roger and Jacob. We spent a lot of time together and Roger's mom spent an extra week with us to help out before I started a new job but I ended up not starting that job when expected and not at all.

However, I did start working about two weeks ago. I have never shed so many tears as I did that first week. Everyday it was crying on the way to work - my first day I cried when I got home and when I put him to bed that night. I also have crazy anxiety over whether he'll remember me when I come home, will he cry and only want the nanny? It's been hard but we have a great nanny that LOVES Jacob and Jacob LOVES her.

It has become a little easier, or less emotional rather, but I still miss my little guy every day and there is nothing more that I would rather do than stay home with him. But it does make the couple of hours I get with him at night that much more special and I spend every moment possible with him on the weekends.

Now Jacob is seven months old. No teeth and not crawling but we think he's getting close on both. His favorite mode of getting around is simply to roll himself front to back until he gets where he wants to go.

He's also a great eater and loves almost everything. He isn't super fond of zucchini but loves everything sweet.

My goal moving forward is a post a week. Jacob is getting so big and changing so often it's nice to be able to chronicle these changes and share them with our friends in family. Until next week (or the week after :) )

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bye bye!

We're off to our first vacation as a family....not only are we taking our first vacation we are DRIVING! First stop, Six Flags Magic Mountain then to sunny San Diego to visit with some friends!

Wish us luck!!!!!

Time Flies...Happy Five Months, Bug!

It's hard to believe that almost five months ago, I went to bed after having a glass of wine expecting to have four more weeks of pregnancy bliss to wake up the next day to my water breaking and welcoming our son later that afternoon. They told me time would fly but it really has! Jacob is doing all sorts of fun things...except rolling over which he did at four months then has been protesting the act since then!

Here are the highlights:

1. Laughing uncontrollably when he does something funny or your laugh at him when he does something funny.

2. Finally likes tummy time and is doing this cute swimming thing. Maybe he'll start crawling before he rolls over again....

3. Started teething. No teeth yet but he is a drooling machine!

4. Talks/babbles like crazy. Sometimes at night when we put him to bed and he isn't sleeping yet, we can hear him just talking away on the monitor. It's so's the sweetest sound!

5. Happy baby pose...just like the yoga pose, he has discovered his feet and toes. It's so cute when he grabs his pants to help pull his feet closer to his hands. Then he just stares at his feet as he curls and flexes his toes.

Here are a few pictures of Jacob including the monthly birthday picture...he is getting SO BIG! And he's got crazy hair!